Indeed, he is one of the most widely published musicians of the entire century with fifteen Masses, over two hundred motets, many Dutch psalms and French chansons to his name.

In contrast to the paucity of biographical material, however, many sources of Clemens' music survive.

Stephen Rice, The Brabant Ensemble - Clemens Non Papa: Behold, How Joyful (2004)EAC FLAC Image (Cue & Log) 312 Mb Total time: 70:54 Scans includedClassical Label: Sygnum SIGCD045 Recorded: 2003Like many of even the most prolific and celebrated composers of the sixteenth century, Jacobus Clemens non Papa (‘not the Pope’) has offered the history books little factual material with which to work. Here he exercised his true vocation of composer, in addition to at least twenty of his most successful operas, a vast amount of sacred music for the cathedral, and educating a number of clever pupils, the most distinguished of whom was Cherubini. Whatever the proximate cause, however, it is now clear that the abandonment of Teotihuacan led to a period of Balkanization in which no single center, or pair of centers, were dominant in the highlands.Riccardo Doni, Gruppo Vocale Musicale Laudantes - Giuseppe Sarti: Il Santo Natale, presso la Cappella musicale del Duomo di Milano (1999)EAC FLAC Image (Cue & Log) 326 Mb Total time: 71:50 Scans includedClassical Label: Stradivarius # STR 33532 Recorded: 1998In 1779 he was elected maestro di cappella at the cathedral of Milan, where he remained until 1784.

Thus the most reasonable view on the basis of present evidence is that the abandonment of Teotihuacan was not the direct result of the strength of another centralized power, although some outside populations may have been involved in a minor way. There is no direct evidence of domination by Xochicalco or any other known major foreign center, although some ceramic traits suggest that relatively minor influences may have emanated from Xochicalco unfortunately, the state of research at that center does not permit a determination at this time. There is no evidence that the center of Cholula, which may even have been substantially abandoned during the previous period, was able to exert any force at this juncture it appears more likely that Cholula was largely reoccupied after the abandonment of Teotihuacan. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that the Postclassic center of Tula represented a significant force in the highlands at that time. 2) The transitional horizon coincided with (and no doubt was an integral part of) an alteration of Classic settlement patterns so drastic that it must bespeak political disruption.