VPN components (IPsec and SSL) will be installed. You can select to install one or more of the following options: FortiClient always installs the Fortinet Security Fabric Agent (SFA) feature and enables the Vulnerability Scan feature by default. When installing FortiClient version 6.0.10, you can choose the setup type that best suits your needs. Review the following sections prior to installing FortiClient 6.0.10: Introduction, Special notices, and Product integration and support. Includes diagnostic, uninstallation, and reinstallation tools This file downloads and installs the latest FortiClient file from the public FDS.

The following tools and files are available in the FortiClientTools_ 6.0.10.xxxx.zip file: Zip package containing miscellaneous tools, including VPN automation files. You can customize some of the MSI package's properties with FortiClient Configurator Tool. Zip package containing FortiClient.msi and language transforms for Microsoft Windows (64-bit). Standard installer for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Zip package containing FortiClient.msi and language transforms for Microsoft Windows (32-bit). Standard installer for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) The following files are available in the firmware image file folder: Installation information Firmware images and tools Installation information | FortiClient 6.0.10