Recommended updates typically address any non-critical issues, while optional updates help to improve the user experience with smaller updates to drivers. In terms of quality updates or kinds of updates, important updates typically focus on improving reliability, privacy and security. Windows users can also view an update history that shows previously installed updates. The patches and updates normally include feature enhancements and security updates that can protect Windows from malware. Windows Update is a cloud-based service used to keep Microsoft Windows and other Microsoft software like Windows Defender updated. If this is not possible, users are encouraged to check for new updates once a week. Users can set Windows Update to automatically install updates. The Windows Update control panel is found in the Start menu.

Windows Update analyzes a PC's configuration and then shows a list of relevant downloads for the user's system. Patches and other security updates are normally released by Microsoft on the second Tuesday of every month - typically called Patch Tuesday - unless there is a need for a more urgent fix. Windows Update helps prevent new or potentially widespread exploits and includes service packs, software patches and updates for device drivers. Windows Update is a free maintenance and support service for Microsoft Windows users that, once activated, automatically searches for and installs updates on the user's personal computer (PC).