Remote sensing and its applications by lra narayana
Remote sensing and its applications by lra narayana

remote sensing and its applications by lra narayana remote sensing and its applications by lra narayana

Narayan, L.R.A., Remote Sensing and its Applications.and P.K.Garg, Textbook on Remote Sensing in Natural Resources Monitoring and Management. Jensen, J.R., Remote Sensing of the Environment – An Earth Resource Perspective.

remote sensing and its applications by lra narayana

Remote Sensing for the Earth Sciences, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999 Andrew Rencz, Manual of Remote Sensing.Srinivas, M.G., Remote Sensing Applications, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001.The evaluation of land capability for better land use planning.The concepts of soil mapping through remote sensing.Characterization of crops using Remote Sensing tools.– deforestation and afforestation – forest fire mapping and damage assessment – species mappingĪt the end of the course the student will be able to understand Introduction – forest taxonomy – inventory of forests – forest type and density mapping-biomass assessment – timber volume estimation – factors for forest degradation-mapping degraded forests Introduction – land use / land cover definition – land use / land cover classification-concepts and approaches of land evaluation – Change dynamics – Land capability assessments – decision support system for land use planning – optimum land use planning for sustainable agriculture. Introduction – soil survey, types of soil surveys – soil genesis and soil classification -soil taxonomy -soil reflectance properties – soil mapping using remote sensing – problem soils -saline, alkali soil characteristics – mapping of saline alkaline soils – soil erosion and sedimentation – assessment of soil erosion – estimation of reservoir capacity. Its a light weight, easy to use, no images, no pdfs platform to make students life easier. This course enables the students to understand and apply remote sensing and GIS techniques in various fields of agriculture, soil, land and forest resources.įor complete syllabus and results, class timetable and more pls download iStudy.The detail syllabus for agriculture and forestry for geoinformatics is as follows.” For all other geo 7th sem syllabus for be 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Geo 7th Sem syllabus for BE 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects.

Remote sensing and its applications by lra narayana